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Online Cages

Updated: May 21, 2020

So you may have looked at my post about the cages available in pet stores in Tasmania and thought they don't exactly look like what you want for your rats. Or maybe you are looking to upgrade your set up. You want to give your rats the luxury they deserve.

So here I will explore some cages available for order online for you, though most come with a bit of a price tag, so better save up.


Large Cages

The quintessential rat cage:

The cages made by this company are some top of the line stuff, often touted by rat and ferret owners to be the best of the best.

One of these cages is going to set you back over $500, whether you buy from the site or eBay.

They have all the features you want in a cage, lots of space with many levels, tiny bar spacing, solid platforms, wide opening doors, stand with wheels and underneath storage. They also have horizontal bars for easy climbing

Pretty much perfect, the only thing I can fault with them is the rats will still poo and pee out the sides and onto the ground.

These fancy cages are not usually affordable to most people, so lets now look at some other cheaper but still quality options.

Okay, so this one is my cage / my favourite cage / the best in my opinion.

It does nearly everything the ferret kingdom does, except it has deep trays as its platforms, so the rats can't poo and pee out the sides as easily. It also has a divider, and can easily be made into 2 cages, which is how I have it at the moment, with females on top and males on the bottom.

The only issues with this cage are the fact the bar spacing is slightly bigger than the ferret kingdom, so not as suitable for tiny baby rats, and the rats pee has started to slowly rust some of the platforms just a little bit in the corners. Also, if you have it in 2 cage mode, its hard to hang a hammock in the bottom cage, though doable.

This bad boy looks a lot like the ferret kingdom, there are only a few differences.

  • Bar spacing is 2 mm, so quite wide

  • Small platforms and ramps are solid, but the cage has a wire bottom and wire middle platform, though that could possibly be removed. Rats may try to chew on the plastic platforms and ramps.

  • Platforms have a slight lip, not as much as the previous cage, but maybe enough to stop some poo getting kicked into the floor.

  • Divider to section off the top from the bottom.

Overall, not bad.


Medium Cages

Something not quite as large as the ones above, this medium sized cage would be fine for a few rats without taking up so much room, but still with rolling capabilities.

Solid plastic platforms and ramps are good, but the rats will possibly chew them. Bottom wire grate could possibly be removed. Doors are smallish. Bar spacing is 2.5 cm, so only suitable for large adult rats.

Very cute cage. Nice solid plastic base. Comes apart easily for cleaning. Bar spacing is okay, 1.5 cm.

The wooden platforms and ramp may be chewed away and rotted away by pee quite quickly. Small door. No wheels.

Probably suitable for a pair of rats.

This is a new one on the scene that I haven't seen before.

Could be appropriate size for a pair of rats if you are on a tight budget. Plastic base is good, looks like it easily comes apart for cleaning. On wheels.

Wire platforms not so good. 2 cm bar spacing is not great, not terrible.

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