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Feed and Water Containers

Rats are mischievous, they love to throw things all around their cage, so they will tip over almost anything not nailed down. This is important to consider when choosing feed and water containers for them.



For water a small animal bottle which attaches to the side of the cage is ideal. I would recommend attaching to the outside of the cage with the tip poking through the wire, so that they can't tip it over, and it also makes it easier to change the water without having to reach into the cage. Be sure to attach it so the rats can reach the tip, so for young ones it may have to be a bit lower.

I have found that rats struggle to drink out of bottles that have a stiff ball tip which doesn't move easily, as they only have tiny little tongues. So when I am buying water bottles I always feel the tip to make sure its loose, sensitive and easy to move around.

I prefer to use plastic bottles over glass simply because I am clumsy and have smashed too many glass bottles. You can use any size bottle with the rats, just because they are small doesn't mean they need a small bottle, they will happily drink from a large rabbit bottle and it will need to be filled up less often.



For food bowls you are going to want to either go heavy, or attached to cage. I use both, though prefer attached to cage as I can put it a bit off the ground which stop them from defecating and urinating in them it so much.

Ceramic dishes are nice an heavy and hard for rats to tip over.

These plastic dishes clip/screw onto the cage bars, and you can easily lift the dish out of its holder for cleaning. However, rats may try to chew the plastic.

With the large rat blocks you can give them to the rats in a bowl, but most rats will just take them and hide them somewhere in the cage.

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